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MGMT625 Current Midterm Paper Fall 2013 Shared by Nuz IK File 1

by on January 1, 2014 at 2:59pm paper was so easy  MCQ's were conceptual What are the limitations of teleological theories of change? How did a scholar, Winter, relate quality management movement (QMM) to evolutionary theory of change? What do you know about vital rates? What is the difference between Coordination Phase and Collaboration Phase? Discuss how this dialectical inquiry process can be used to resolve decisional conflicts in an organization.

MGMT625 Current Midterm Paper Fall 2013 Shared by Fighting Falcon Shakeel File 2

3 Qs of 3 Marks Each Q-23. What is the teleological change? Q-24. How did Winter correlated QMM with evolutionary theory? Q-25. Write down few features of coordination phase. 2 Qs of 5 Marks Each Q-26.  How do relate evolution and revolution in context of organizational change? Q-27.  How you can relate inertia with respect to size of the organizations?

MGMT625 Current Midterm Paper Fall 2013 Shared by Salman File 3

by on December 24, 2013 at 6:25pm Noone did But I will do it today. A total of 27 questions. 22 Objectives and 5 subj 3 of 3 mks each and 2 of 5 mks each objectives were from old papers and tricky as were situational type. Subjectives were. 1. QMM and its relation with evolutionary theory of change. 2. Characteristics of Creative evolution. 3. Types of Organizational culture 4. Internal development strategy and external development strategy 5. Change is not welcome by stakeholders. Enlist reasons. Best of luck and plz do share ur papers in respective section to help each other.  Best of luck