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MGT503 Current Midterm Paper Fall 2013 File 1

TODAY'S PAPER QUESTIONS Explain the difference between self-actualization and esteem needs. Explain the difference between convergent thinking and divergent thinking. A toy maker company executive analyzed demographic trends and noticed a sizable preschool population of children. So he decided to continue with his current line of toys. Explain which decision making situation is depicted in this scenario? List down the possible inputs of an organization. Can we apply decision making in the planning process of an organization? Discuss with examples.

MGT503 Current Midterm Paper Fall 2013 File 3

It was so easy  Paper includes 23 mcqs and 4 long questions  Q1 Differentiate b/w the social and safety needs?    3 marks Q2 How the rational decision making process can make the decision more effective decision?   5 marks Q3 How important is the role of planning in management?   5 marks Q4 The company is making some Products and give latest information about he newly products on the internet but customers cannot make a purchase  on the internet, state whether it is engaged in e-business? why and why not? give reasons     3 marks

MGT503 Current Midterm Paper Fall 2013 File 2

Yesterday was my paper MGT503 paper is very easy all the mcqs from past papers  subjective 1)single plan and standard plan 2)quantitative forecast and qualitive forecast ka differnce 3)government change the sale tax within one month budget which environment affect on the economic explain the enviroment jiski waj se sale tax change hwa hai 4)organization culture explain 5)non- rational model 

MGT503 Current Midterm Paper Fall 2013 Shared by Malik File 4

Total Question=27      Mcqs=22    Short Questions=3 (3 marks) Long q.=2 (5 marks) Few mcqs that i remember  1. Workplace Spirituality is recognition of an inner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningful work that takes place in the context of community. 2. Group decision making has advantage increased number of alternatives. 3. What is the most important management process of an Enterprenuer 4.  Which management function increase as we move from low to upper management ? 5   Maintains self-developed network of outside contacts and informers who provide favors and information ? 6. Short questions 1. Administrative management.                          2. Planning                          3. 3 Scenerio based ...