my today paper..20 dec 2013 ..10:30 total 27 que 22 mcqs conceptual few from past papers..concept clear ho gaey to ho hjaye mcqs mostly from starting lec. 5 sub que 1- conceptual que about culture ..3 marks 2-conceptual que like what is deviant to some is not deviant to others explain with logic.. 3 marks 3-conceptual que like a mentally ill person is unusually normal before labeled as mentally ill by people.and their attitudes toward that person much you agree with this statement. 3 marks 4-conceptual que like being poor is disadvantageous in being society.agree or not explain with logic.5 marks 5-conceptual que about chromosome theory like XYY’ chromosome in males leads to crime but no women have XYY chromosome so there should be no women criminals but women are criminals to.explain with logic. 5 marks
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