My paper had following questions:
1- Analytical computer - mechanical or electrical or electronic?
2- All microprocessor processes are supervised by-
3- Set of steps a software goes through when developed called-
4- Complex software development process require developers to follow rules called-
5- - converts source code in high language into machine language
6- Javascript was earlier known as-
7- Can application software directly communicate with hardware? explain
8- low power consumption computers are- (MCQ)
9- defining variable in Java Script (2)
10- One detailed and one objective on TextArea tag
11- LISP - Compiler or interpreter‘?
12- Shortkey question such as Ctrl+c, F7, CtrI+l (5)
13- Finding 5 errors in Javascript function code
14- two questions on Object based/oriented programming advantages
15- 2 objectives on System softwares A
1- Analytical computer - mechanical or electrical or electronic?
2- All microprocessor processes are supervised by-
3- Set of steps a software goes through when developed called-
4- Complex software development process require developers to follow rules called-
5- - converts source code in high language into machine language
6- Javascript was earlier known as-
7- Can application software directly communicate with hardware? explain
8- low power consumption computers are- (MCQ)
9- defining variable in Java Script (2)
10- One detailed and one objective on TextArea tag
11- LISP - Compiler or interpreter‘?
12- Shortkey question such as Ctrl+c, F7, CtrI+l (5)
13- Finding 5 errors in Javascript function code
14- two questions on Object based/oriented programming advantages
15- 2 objectives on System softwares A