Done with CS301
MCQ's were quite easy.
1.Write a function having arguments with integer data type refrence veriable marks
and float data type refrence veriable CGPA,function will do nothing. 2 marks
2.ek question tha jis mn poocha gaya tha k binry tree main x node find karny k Iiye all
nodes ko comparison karna zaroori hy? 3 marks
3.write a C++ code that prints odd numbers from 1 to 99 by recursive function 5
4.10,80,12,70,90,60;13,16,95,97 in ka AVL tree bnana tha. 5 marks
5.what is diffrence blw sibling and brother node \? 2 marks
6.ek or 3 marks ka conceptual question tha..bhooI gae wording.
MCQ's were quite easy.
1.Write a function having arguments with integer data type refrence veriable marks
and float data type refrence veriable CGPA,function will do nothing. 2 marks
2.ek question tha jis mn poocha gaya tha k binry tree main x node find karny k Iiye all
nodes ko comparison karna zaroori hy? 3 marks
3.write a C++ code that prints odd numbers from 1 to 99 by recursive function 5
4.10,80,12,70,90,60;13,16,95,97 in ka AVL tree bnana tha. 5 marks
5.what is diffrence blw sibling and brother node \? 2 marks
6.ek or 3 marks ka conceptual question tha..bhooI gae wording.