today cs401 paper
1:what is defacto stander (2)
2:Why REP prefix is generally not used with LODS instruction? (Marks: 2)
3:what reasoning the default segment association of BP with S8 (3)
4:Enlist the flag that will be eefected by DIV instruction (3)
5:Write a subroutineito calculate the string length (5)
6:Write a code for adding two 32 hit number using extend addition(5)
1:what is defacto stander (2)
2:Why REP prefix is generally not used with LODS instruction? (Marks: 2)
3:what reasoning the default segment association of BP with S8 (3)
4:Enlist the flag that will be eefected by DIV instruction (3)
5:Write a subroutineito calculate the string length (5)
6:Write a code for adding two 32 hit number using extend addition(5)