My today paper,
20 mcqz n 6 subjectv.
All objectives are new, no one from the past papers and are relatively tough,
Remaining subjective are,
Why most of the people use menu bar instead of accelerative keyboard keys,
In the domain of understanding what is the difference between strategic aspect and tactical aspects,
How you as a designer analyze the requirement for the new products,
What is the use and feature of chord keyboard,
What are the key features which you must observe when you design a product?
Difference between LTM and STM.
20 mcqz n 6 subjectv.
All objectives are new, no one from the past papers and are relatively tough,
Remaining subjective are,
Why most of the people use menu bar instead of accelerative keyboard keys,
In the domain of understanding what is the difference between strategic aspect and tactical aspects,
How you as a designer analyze the requirement for the new products,
What is the use and feature of chord keyboard,
What are the key features which you must observe when you design a product?
Difference between LTM and STM.