MCQ's was mostly new. Questions are:
Q1. Draw the cost table for chain multiplication problem with initial states. (Marks 2)
Q2. There will be n! possible permutations to solve n elements using binary tree.
Show methods of binary tree based solution. (Marks 2)
Q3. How to construct an optimal solution for 0/1 knapsack problem? (Marks 3)
Q4. In selection algorithm, how an item is chosen as the pivot? (Marks 3)
Q5. Given the 4-words alphabets. You have to sort them using Radix sort in ascend-
ing order. Just show these alphabets after first pass.
Algo. word. xeon, zest, neon. rime, fine, dear. cast, ante. (Marks 5)
06. Draw a binary tree for this order of matrix muItipIication.(A1(A2A3)(A4A5)).
(Marks 5)
Q1. Draw the cost table for chain multiplication problem with initial states. (Marks 2)
Q2. There will be n! possible permutations to solve n elements using binary tree.
Show methods of binary tree based solution. (Marks 2)
Q3. How to construct an optimal solution for 0/1 knapsack problem? (Marks 3)
Q4. In selection algorithm, how an item is chosen as the pivot? (Marks 3)
Q5. Given the 4-words alphabets. You have to sort them using Radix sort in ascend-
ing order. Just show these alphabets after first pass.
Algo. word. xeon, zest, neon. rime, fine, dear. cast, ante. (Marks 5)
06. Draw a binary tree for this order of matrix muItipIication.(A1(A2A3)(A4A5)).
(Marks 5)