my cs506 paper
if you are writing an applet code, then what is the best place to write the main method
code in applet java file? Zmarks
why type-2 driver is efficient as compared to jdbc-odbc bridge? 2marks
Resultset code error finding. 3marks
table was given, write code of while loop to retrieve values from that table using result
set. 5marks
write MouseListener code for ‘Mouse Clicked’ and ‘Mouse Exited". 5marks
aik question yaad nai araha sorry....
if you are writing an applet code, then what is the best place to write the main method
code in applet java file? Zmarks
why type-2 driver is efficient as compared to jdbc-odbc bridge? 2marks
Resultset code error finding. 3marks
table was given, write code of while loop to retrieve values from that table using result
set. 5marks
write MouseListener code for ‘Mouse Clicked’ and ‘Mouse Exited". 5marks
aik question yaad nai araha sorry....