Easy Mcqs, mostly from past papers.
02 Nos
1. Difference between turn around and response time
2. Semantic of Swap
03 Nos
1. Open Software help to test algorithm
2. FIFO failure, ls Make FIFO lib call. FIFO system call are same? Give reasons
05 Nos
1. Which algorithm is used to convert Primitive to non-primitive
2. FCFS. SJF, RR, Find the order of process.
02 Nos
1. Difference between turn around and response time
2. Semantic of Swap
03 Nos
1. Open Software help to test algorithm
2. FIFO failure, ls Make FIFO lib call. FIFO system call are same? Give reasons
05 Nos
1. Which algorithm is used to convert Primitive to non-primitive
2. FCFS. SJF, RR, Find the order of process.