Today's my paper cs610
paper was easy
plz read the book carefully before attempting the paper.
All mcq'as from Moaz file. 20 mcq's and 6 subjective question.2 question of 2 marks, 2 are 3 marks and 2 are 5 marks.
Subjective paper:
(1) why we don't use repearters to extend the LAN.
(2) suppose a company make virtul private network " NETWORK A". if a outside user want to send a packets to NETWORK A. what kind of action the NETWORK A takes.describe 2 reasons.
(3)Suppose a ABC company wants to make a network with limited area and that has low cast.what kind of wiring scheme you use. give two reasons.
(4) suppose a network has 4 bridge .and bridge network form a cycle.there is a problem in broadcast frames. what algorithem you use for this .
(5)a senerio is given and we describe what kind of delay has occured.and also calculate the effective.
last question yad nai a raha.
Best of luck!
remember me in ur prayers
paper was easy
plz read the book carefully before attempting the paper.
All mcq'as from Moaz file. 20 mcq's and 6 subjective question.2 question of 2 marks, 2 are 3 marks and 2 are 5 marks.
Subjective paper:
(1) why we don't use repearters to extend the LAN.
(2) suppose a company make virtul private network " NETWORK A". if a outside user want to send a packets to NETWORK A. what kind of action the NETWORK A takes.describe 2 reasons.
(3)Suppose a ABC company wants to make a network with limited area and that has low cast.what kind of wiring scheme you use. give two reasons.
(4) suppose a network has 4 bridge .and bridge network form a cycle.there is a problem in broadcast frames. what algorithem you use for this .
(5)a senerio is given and we describe what kind of delay has occured.and also calculate the effective.
last question yad nai a raha.
Best of luck!
remember me in ur prayers