by Hamzu on
there are total 26 question 20 are MCQS
(5 marks)
Emp-ID Emp-Name City
1 ABC Lahore
2 DEF Islamabad
3 GHI Lahore
4 JKL Karachi
Emp-ID Emp-Name City
1 ABC Lahore
2 DEF Islamabad
3 GHI Lahore
4 JKL Karachi
Head-ID Dept-Name
1 HR Dept
3 Accounts Dept
Head-ID Dept-Name
1 HR Dept
3 Accounts Dept
Employee (Join) Dept-Head
The given algebra expression has following output / resultant table.
The given algebra expression has following output / resultant table.
Resultant Table
Emp-ID Emp-Name City Dept-Name
1 ABC Lahore HR Dept
3 GHI Lahore Accounts Dept
Emp-ID Emp-Name City Dept-Name
1 ABC Lahore HR Dept
3 GHI Lahore Accounts Dept
In your point of view, the above scenario is the result of which join type? Justify your answer with reason.
(3 marks)
(3 marks)
make FD in Employe_desig and EMP_ID
(2 marks)
why relation model is better ?
(5 marks)
1 – Sigma A - Procedural Query Language
2 - Table - Select Operator
3 - Relational Algebra C - Project Operator
4 - ∏ D - Relational Data Model
5 - Intersection Operator E- Binary Operation
Suppose we have two relations A and B, where:
A = {01, 02}
B= {3.5, 3.7}
A = {01, 02}
B= {3.5, 3.7}
Answer the following questions.
1. Find A X B
Answer 1:-
A x B = {01,3.5} {01,3.7} {02,3.5} {02,3.7}
Answer 2:-
B x A {3.5,01}{3.5,02} {3.7,01}{3.7,01}
Answer 3 :-
No in cartesion product A x B not equal to B x A
A x B = {01,3.5} {01,3.7} {02,3.5} {02,3.7}
B x A {3.5,01}{3.5,02} {3.7,01}{3.7,01}
2. Find B X A
3. Can A X B = B X A
and thanks to Ctrl Z property of MS word to share my Paper with you :p
1. Find A X B
Answer 1:-
A x B = {01,3.5} {01,3.7} {02,3.5} {02,3.7}
Answer 2:-
B x A {3.5,01}{3.5,02} {3.7,01}{3.7,01}
Answer 3 :-
No in cartesion product A x B not equal to B x A
A x B = {01,3.5} {01,3.7} {02,3.5} {02,3.7}
B x A {3.5,01}{3.5,02} {3.7,01}{3.7,01}
2. Find B X A
3. Can A X B = B X A
and thanks to Ctrl Z property of MS word to share my Paper with you :p
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