1 whats the start do in applet cycle and when we use it
ans :
To start the applet's execution
• For example, when the applet's loaded or when the user revisits a page that contains the
• start( ) is also called whenever the browser is maximized
2 .Write the syntax to load the oracle driver
3 what dose codes do
The following code fragment, illustrates how to make a ResultSet object that is scrollable and
String sql = “SELECT * FROM Person”;
PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql,
ResultSet rs = pStmt.executeQuery( );
Two constants have been used of ResultSet class for producing a ResultSet rs that is
scrollable, will not show changes made by others and will be updatable
4. What DO MaxRows (int) & setMaxRows(int) methods
• Used for determines the number of rows a ResultSet may contain
• By default, the number of rows are unlimited (return value is 0), or by using
setMaxRows(int), the number of rows can be specified.
5 write any five GUI based component
2. Label
3. Text filed
4.Text area
6 define paint( ) in applet life cycle
• paint( ) is called for the first time when the applet becomes visible
• Whenever applet needs to be repainted, paint( ) is called again
• Do all your painting in paint( ), or in a method that is called from paint( )
7. what is and why we use : JDBC - ODBC Bridge
• Translates all JDBC calls into ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) calls and
send them to the ODBC Driver
• Generally used for Microsoft database.
• Performance is degraded
8. What is the difference b/w socket and server socket, also give a java syntax of socket and
Server socket. 5 mr
A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs
running generally on a network.
• A socket is a bi-directional communication channel between hosts. A computer on a
network often termed as host.
The server listens through a special kind of socket, which is named as server socket.
• The sole purpose of the server socket is to listen for incoming request; it is not used
for communication
Syntex for socket
Socket s = new Socket(“serverName”, serverPort) ;
serverName: Name or address of the server you wanted to connect such as
http://www.google.com or etc. For testing if you are running client and server
on the same machine then you can specify “localhost” as the name of server
• serverPort : Port number you want to connect to
Syntex for server socket
Create a Server Socket
In order to create a server socket, you will need to specify port no eventually on which server will listen for client requests.
ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(serverPort) ;
• serverPort: port local to the server i.e. a free port on the server machine. This is the same
port number that is given in the client socket constructor
9 what is disadvantage of interfaces
One disadvantage of interfaces is that one you publish them to other coders outside your own control, they represent a public commitment which can be difficult to change later. You don't know who else is using the interface and you don't know how, so you can't just add a new method to the interface without risking breaking the code of existing clients (if/when they upgrade). In comparison, if you'd used an abstract or concrete class, you could just add a new concrete method with no problems (usually).
It's possible to work around this b
It's possible to work around this b
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