CS607 Todays paper 20 Dec 2013
Mostly MCQs were from Moaaz some were new.
Here are some new mcqz:
1. The components of a statement in CNF are Clauses and literals
2. The aspects of human experts that expert systems model are Two.
3. Technically we call hit and trial approach the “Generate and Test” approach.
4. Breadth-First Search checks all paths of a given length before moving on to any longer paths.
5. Analogical reasoning works by drawing analogies between two situations, looking for similarities and differences.
6. Rules gained through experience or what we call rules-of-thumb are in Common-sense reasoning
7. CNF stand for conjunctive normal form.
8. Plateau problem comes up when there is a mostly flat area.
Q-1 (2 marks)
Difference between Structural knowledge and Shallow knowledge?
Structural knowledge:Describes structures and their relationships. e.g. how the various parts of the car fit together to make a car, or knowledge structures in terms of concepts, sub concepts, and objects.
Heuristic knowledge: Rule-of-thumb, e.g. if I start seeing shops, I am close to the market.
· Heuristic knowledge is sometimes called shallow knowledge.
· Heuristic knowledge is empirical as opposed to deterministic
Q-2 (2 marks)
How to convert (CNF)?
Resolution requires all sentences to be converted into a special form called conjunctive normal form (CNF). A statement in conjunctive normal form (CNF) consists of ANDs of Ors. A sentence written in CNF looks like
Q-3 (3 marks)
Which is better in terms of availability, expert system or human expert?
Q-4 (3 marks)
Do you think “Inductive reasoning is based on deducing new information from logically related known information” Give reason why?
No Inductive reasoning is based on forming, or inducing a ‘generalization’ from a limited set of observations, e.g.
–Observation: All the crows that I have seen in my life are black.
–Conclusion: All crows are black
Q-5 (5 marks)
Draw Structure of Expert System?
Q-6 (5 marks)
Perform Genetic Algorithm using of 32-bit word that has first 16 bits 0s and last 16-bits 1s?
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