my today paper
60% from past paper and 40% from handouts
1.Difference b/w local & global replacement with respect to page replacement algorithm???
2.diffe b/w deadlock prevention and deadlock avoidance????
3.why we use the safety algrithm with banker algorithm ?????
4.a process in normal executatin but some time its resources are preempted write down the method to handle this condition?????
5.a process average time is 20 millisecond and memory access time is 100 nanosecond find its effective access time????
6.which memry you used if you are writting a prgram in c language t store and execute the program??????
7.consider the following program techique and data structure in demand pagging environment which of following is good or bad explain with sold reason????
2.hash table
3. sequential search
8. ek table tha compare karna tha paging and segmentation ko yes or no main ans day k ????
9. 2 code dea hovy thy unka purpose likhna tha k yeh code kis lea use kea jatay haen ????
10.segment table base register and segmant table length register k define karna tha????
baqiii q yaad nhiiiii best of luck t0 alll of you stay blessed and remember me in your prayerz
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