Cost of Goods
Manufactured and Sold Statement Formulas:
1)Prime Cost = Direct
Materials Cost + Direct Labor Cost
2)Total Factory
Costor Manufacturing Cost = Direct Materials + Direct Labor Cost + Factory
3)Conversion Cost =
Direct Labor Cost + Factory Overhead Cost
4)Cost of Goods
Manufactured (COGM) = Total Factory Cost + Opening Work in Process Inventory -
Ending Work in Process Inventory
4)Cost of Goods
manufactured = Direct materials cost + Direct labor cost + Factory
overhead cost + Opening work in process inventory - Ending work in process
5)Cost of goods sold
(COGS) = Cost of goods manufactured + Opening finished goods inventory - Ending
finished goods inventory Or
5)Cost of goods sold
= Direct materials cost + Direct labor cost + Factory overhead cost +
Opening work in process inventory - Ending work in process inventory +
Opening finished goods inventory - Ending finished goods inventory
6)Number of units
manufactured = Units sold + Ending Finished Goods units - Opening finished
goods units
7)Per unit cost of
goods manufactured = Cost of goods manufactured / Units manufactured
8)Materials used or
consumed = Opening inventory or materials + Net purchases of materials - Ending
inventory of materials
Income statement
1)Gross profit = Net
sales - Cost of goods sold
2)Operating profit =
Gross profit - Operating expenses
3)Operating or
commercial expenses = Selling or marketing expenses+General or administrative
4)Per unit gross
profit = Gross profit / No. of units sold
5)Per unit net profit
= Net profit / No. of units sold
6)Percentage of GP to
sales = (Gross profit / Net sales) × 100
7)Percentage of net
profit to sales = (Net profit / Net sales) × 100
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