The minimum time for which the input signal has to be maintained at the input of flip-flop is called ______ of the flip-flop. Set-up time Hold time 242 Pulse Interval time Pulse Stability time (PST) The glitches due to "Race Condition" can be avoided by using a ___________ Gated flip-flops Pulse triggered flip-flops Positive-Edge triggered flip-flops Negative-Edge triggered flip-flops 267 We have a digital circuit. Different parts of circuit operate at different clock frequencies (4MHZ, 2MHZ and 1MHZ), but we have a single clock source having a fix clock frequency (4MHZ), to supply the required frequency to each part of circuit, we can get help by using ___________ Using S-R Flop-Flop D-flipflop J-K flip-flop T-Flip-Flop Once the state diagram is drawn for any sequential circuit the next step is to draw Transiation table Karnaugh map Next-state table 306 Logic expression A synchronous decade counter will have _______ flip-flops 3, 7, 4, 10 ...